WHIMSICHORD is a wearable interactive musical installation created by Di Mainstone and Dave Meckin. Lucy was one of a trio of performers (Movicians) that interacted with the instrument in a series of live improvisations, with movement direction from Hollie Miller. 

"The Whimsichord reacts to the movement and touch of users (or Movicians) responding with sound. We have coined the term ‘Movician’ to describe this hybrid act of composition and choreography. Whimsichord comprises of striking spring-like modules that are connect to a series of fixed landing-pads via retractable chords. Each component can be plucked from its landing-pad and attached to the Movician in a myriad of ways. Our soft sculptures are specially designed around the body to seamlessly grip to the Movician as they traverse space and interact with the piece to produce music. As Movicians connect to the modules they will draw elegant lines from the surrounding architecture onto to the body. These strings can be twanged to produce sound, and each participant will become a human string instrument." Di Mainstone.

Funded by Queen Mary University London and the Barbican.

Photos this page: Di Mainstone